- Fix merc food matching
- Junk affix can roll on combat talismans
- Fix some technical connection issues with client refreshes
- Fix some incorrect ID stuff for group handling
- Fix loadout UI not updating unequip empty slots sometimes
- Fix potion enchantment offers and multibuy
- Fix health not getting set to max on action starts sometimes
- expired IS+ members removed from IS+ chat
- Fix multiple of the same augmentation logging
- Potential fix for unread patch notes notification
- Fix first mob ability getting rerolled
- Fix force full inventory setting on Dungeons Only applying to everything
- Correct stockpile filter for items that research into dust
- Improve single step quest reward display
- Improve combat names to be readable
Runecrafting locations have been split so that there are unique spots for Runecrafting and the Weaving portions; this allows you to set unique loadouts properly for each sub-action. Unfortunately this will cancel any in progress weaving actions. Nothing else about RCing or Weaving has changed.
Skilling Balance
- Scroll of Fishing enchantment level dropped from 55 to 45
- Destructive Testing reworked to give a bonus based on the experience of the zone, making it much more effective at higher level spots than low level
- Added a fairly rare chance for greater gathering chests to drop their relevant dungeon component
- Deep Pit and Living Forest now have a higher chance to roll greater chests than other locations
- Adjusted frequency in slate spires to favor rune slate more and reduced max roll a little
Combat Balance
- Desolation of Void has another strength level for when 2h weapons are in use
- Reduced aquamarine and myst driftwood drops from elite swordfish and shrimp
- Hands of Khaast gets the standard accuracy bonus for melee weapons per aug
- Adjusted hitmults for staves, longbows, and a few uniques (all buffs, don't worry)