User Action Queue
A new basic UI has been added to the sidebar to give you access to the user action queue where IS+ subscribers and those who have purchased the relevant platinum tokens can define a set of actions to do automatically with some conditions. Scroll to the bottom to see an example of the UI.
Balance Changes
- Affixing dust cost drastically reduced
- Affinity related affixes min and maxes buffed
- Root digging now mentions it requires earth runes
- Root digging now drops multiple mysterious seeds when the seeds roll
UI Stuff
- New CombatAvatar renderer that should fix some legacy issues regarding resizing or missing/invisible assets
- Better season chat level colors
- Loadouts now show if an item is equipped (blue), in stockpile/vault (green), or not found (red) by a colored border. Scroll to the bottom to see an example.
- Added thorn damage assets
- Star properly appears on reduced effect rolls at their reduced maximum
- Can search for item rarity
- Parrying gauntlets get new assets
- Improved bestiary UI; now shows what scroll is needed to level it
- Clarified taxes description to clarify that the junk chance cannot exceed 100% to attempt to double the drops
- Max HP in stats display improved
- Updated some guides from Feylos
- Fixed necromancer's cowl having weird placement/size
Bug Fixes
- Platinum store prospecting buff replaced by empowered prospecting
- Some fixes to affix rolling edge cases
- Merc loadout properly grabs affixed items when necessary
- Account bound cosmetics fixed
- Fixed some thorns related shenanigans
- Fixed profile cosmetic saving
- Made action inputs more consistent w/ new locking
- Fixed necro having a range instead of magic tag
- Fixed global buff issues
- Force platinum buffs to never be in the past
- Defined scroll ID fields for a few enchantments, fixes some disenchanting/salvaging issues
- Fix mastery xp in level bar / utils
Example Action Queue UI:

Example loadout border coloring:

October 31st, 2023! Happy Halloween!